People talk a lot about “red flags????” in relationships, but now let’s discuss the red flags to look out for when looking for a job. For those who may be confused “red flags” is an internal signal that goes off when something’s not right, intuitively telling you to steer clear. The recruitment process is a chance for candidates to peek behind the curtain to get a glimpse of a potential employer’s culture before they decide to accept an offer. This is done by paying close attention to every detail at every stage of the recruitment process, from the job description to the interview, etc.
Here are 4 ???????????????? to look out for during job searching.
1. Clunky Recruitment Process
Look out for paper-based forms and unnecessarily lengthy, inefficient, and frustrating steps in your recruitment process. Lengthy processes show the organization’s ineffectiveness. And if the recruitment process is this improper, what will it be like working at the company?
2. Lack of transparency about the job
The job description is the first step in a job seeker’s experience with a potential employer. Stay away from poorly written, vague JDs with an unrealistic list of skills.
3. Bending over backward to be okay with the job offer
Being offered a totally inflexible/non-negotiable job offer, while compromising your values is a big bright red flag. Shady offers may provide minimal information about health benefits, performance-based bonuses, or PTO.
4. Poor communication
Poor communication causes frustration and eventually backouts. Whether it’s not enough communication – leaving you unclear about what happens next, total ghosting, or unprofessional communication in an inappropriate hour or format ????
Article written by Hala Haider – Sales Coordinator, Alpha Data Recruitment